Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Teach Us How To Pray: "In Earth" - Matthew 6:10

In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, Jesus (Yeshua) can be found ministering and teaching His disciples various principles regarding giving, fasting, the Father's care for His children, and many other things. One of the most notable portions of this scripture is His instruction to His disciples on prayer. It is prayer that opens the line of communication to the ears of the heavenly Father, a time of sweet communion in which we cast our cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7) and also open ourselves to receive whatever it is that we are seeking from God's Holy Spirit.

In verse 9-10 of chapter 6, Jesus gives His disciples specific instructions on prayer saying, "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done...'" In the previous posts (click here to read OUR FATHER - WHO IS IN HEAVEN - HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME - YOUR KINGDOM COME - YOUR WILL BE DONE) we looked at the first complete phrase of verse 9 and the beginning of verse 10 to learn more about the heavenly Father, where He has established His throne, the sanctity of His name, and the nature of His Kingdom and will. Today we will examine the next phrase: "In earth."

"Earth" - ge - (Greek transliteration) - n. feminine (Thayer's Greek Lexicon)

1) Arable (suitable for growing crops) land - This of course refers to the physical earth and God's intent that it be a fertile place to grow different crops. In fact, Elohim was the first farmer although the manifestation of His vegetation was done through spirit. (Genesis 1:11-12) Spiritually, we should also seek to be fertile ground for the seeds of knowledge and wisdom from the Word of God. (Matthew 13:3-9)

2) The things and beings that are on the earth - Not only does "earth" refer to the components of earth's surface, but also to the living beings that inhabit the earth, particularly human beings. This should be no surprise considering Adam's creation from the "dust of the ground." (Genesis 2:7)

When we pray that God's will be done it should include not only His will for our lives, but also His will for the earth. This is particularly important now that we have such great discussion in the science community regarding weakening ecosystems and atmospheric erosion. God is willing and able to heal His people and His earth if we ask Him. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

**Have questions or comments? E-mail me at gejohnsonmedia@gmail.com or leave them in the comment section below. Discussion is welcome!**

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