Friday, May 2, 2014

5 STARS from Readers' Favorite!! Check out the review.

God continues to bless "Discovering The Shepherd: A Study of Psalm 23"! In addition to becoming an international best seller, Readers' Favorite has given it 5 STARS! Read the wonderful review below.

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Reviewed by Bil Howard for Readers' Favorite

"A deeper and more meaningful relationship with our Lord is beautifully illustrated in one of the most commonly used passages of scripture, the 23rd Psalm. G.E. Johnson’s exposition of the 23rd Psalm in Discovering the Shepherd: A Study of Psalm 23 brings out the deeper meanings behind the verses of this hymn of comfort and confidence which is typically used primarily with funerals. Through a deeper examination of the powerful testimony of the Shepherd, Johnson demonstrates the deep, spiritual relationship that David has with the Lord. Through examination of the original Hebrew text, the hidden meanings are expounded upon and the Provider and Comforter, i.e. the Shepherd, is brought into a fuller light.

Discovering the Shepherd: A Study of Psalm 23 goes beyond the typical usage for funerals and digs deeper into the meaning of the relationship between the sheep and the Shepherd. G.E. Johnson has expertly opened up the deeper truths, especially the ones that look at David’s background as a shepherd and the reasoning behind his use of the sheep and shepherd metaphor to describe his relationship with the Lord. God’s living word is no more profoundly expressed than in this hymn of provision and comfort. What the author has done is to take something that has such a common usage and make it come alive in a new way. He shows that this hymn is even more appropriate for comfort and provision than we have ever understood. Inspiring, accurate and beautifully written, Discovering the Shepherd: A Study of Psalm 23 will bless all who read it and assist them in building a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the Lord and Shepherd."

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